Friday, September 4, 2015

My Thoughts

I can actually write my thoughts and someone might actually read it... And might actually enjoy it?  A skeptical? I am! The oldest daughter of three sisters, born to a construction entrepreneur and a stay-at-home mother, who taught me to try to see life through rose colored glasses. Later in life, she would become a partner in her husband's newest rising dream and then on to be the single owner of such vision turned reality.  I am a survivor of a divorced family, a co-partner in business with my youngest sister, holder of many started and stopped degrees, education and credentials in opposite ends of the career spectrum, a terrible cook, a wife and mother of two, Sidney and Lindsey (AKA: Sid & Lou), and a member of Refuge Baptist Church;  but most importantly, I am a child of the Most High King! ... And this blog is all of my thoughts.